The requirements for the genesis of a religion
- Blind adoring fans. E
- Drastic fall in intelligence
levels when talking about object of worship. E
- Animosity towards anyone who
disagrees or criticizes. Ad Hominem attacks. E
- The feeling that everyone
else shares the same devotion.
- Seeing meaningless patterns
and co-incidences in words and numbers related to the 'diety'. E
- The need to prove that he /
she is superior in all respects. Quoting numerous and twisted statistics /
tales to do so. E
- Trying to outdo each other in
proving allegiance. Often going over the top to do so. Bending rules in
the process. E
- Ascribing miracles to idol
Perhaps in a few years, we'll
hear of a little girl miraculously cured of blindness, after sleeping with a
Sachin poster on her wall. And then we'll have all the ingredients.